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Product warranty
90 days return
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Product origin
Stock origin
European food industry manufacturer (dormant stock & surplus)
Storage condition
Good - Storage on pallets in sealed area and ventilated
3 months
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Condition: | Vendor | Price |
Like new | kheoos Voir les produits du vendeur |
Our conditions
Condition: | Description |
New | New - Item never used, unopened, sold in the original packaging |
Like New | Like New - Item in excellent condition, without signs of wear, in its original packaging or refurbished, small defects possible that do not affect the operation |
Refurbished | Refurbished - Item repaired, inspected and cleaned by the seller or by a third party not necessarily approved by the manufacturer and in excellent working condition |
Used | Used - Item having been used, showing some superficial signs of wear, fully operational and working properly |
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